Leak Testing

The most important aspect of a fluid handling assembly is that it does not leak. Stark uses high sensitivity helium mass spectrometer leak testing equipment to pressurize and leak test its assemblies. Pressurized helium detection leak testing is vastly superior in sensitivity and repeatability to less expensive methods such as underwater air pressure testing.

With over a dozen independent units in use in its assembly lines, Stark can confidently ensure that assemblies have been validated before shipment to the customer. Stark’s automation team can also integrate leak testing machines with other equipment such as label printers or stud drivers to act as an error prevention (poka yoke) system, preventing the next assembly step from occurring unless a positive leak test cycle is completed.


  • .375” - 2” Outer Diameter

  • Lengths up to 6 ft


  • Steel

  • Stainless Steel

  • Aluminum

  • Copper

  • Rubber Hose

  • Refrigerant Hose

  • Braided Hose


  • Thermal Management

  • Air Conditioning

  • Heating

  • Hydraulic

  • Engine Cooling